We are sending you a massive thank you from Geni.Energy! Whether you are a local, Geni.Mate or Pledger, your support has meant Geni.Energy could officially launch on September 28th, opening the shopfront in the main street of Narrabri!
Our team, who have temporarily turned into Santa's, would love to wish you a wonderful safe Christmas and festive period!

In our first few months we have achieved so much, with the support of our Geni.Mates including:
Installed our first five local Solar + Battery systems saving these families on their power bills
These first five systems are the exciting start of our Virtual Power Plant
We ran the first of our information evenings on energy efficiency (if you would like to learn about other topics in 2021, fill in our survey)
Our volunteer base is growing, with lots of laughs!
We began a new project to save thousands of dollars on energy for the Wallget Aboriginal Medical Service.
Our Switch For Narrabri campaign was launched, helping people switch their energy retailer to one with a smaller fossil fuel footprint, through Enova Energy, and providing a $50 kick back to Geni.Energy to help us grow.
We are looking forward to an exciting 2021, some of our key projects include:
Installing more Solar + Battery systems in the new year
Holding a range of community events such as workshops and movie days
Helping a local farm assess the benefits of microgrids
Work with Walgett community to move towards a net zero future
We couldn't be happier to have you on this journey and are looking forward to more successes next year! Just a reminder that we will be closed over the Christmas break from the 23rd of December to the 4th of January.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, love from the Geni.Energy team!