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The one about a new volunteer, powersharing in Africa and the Local Power Plan

Writer's picture: Sally HunterSally Hunter

Hey there,

My name is Sheerene, and I’m a new-bie volunteer at Geni-Energy!

In volunteering for Geni-Energy, an awesome, non-profit community initiative, I hope to learn and grow with the wider community about the incredible benefits of sustainable energy generation as we move towards generating our own power for the North-West!

I’m currently studying my Bachelor of Social Work at University of Tasmania. Living in Tasmania for the few years that I did I developed my passion in the study of society and I was able to begin forming and progressing towards my dream of living a more sustainable life. Through my studies it has definitely became apparent just how much of an impact climate change has and will continue to have on our society.

Sheerene on Safari in Botswana, Africa

In 2019, I spent some time in Livingstone, Zambia working on a Women’s Empowerment Project. Whilst I was there, I realized the impact power had on the functionality of the towns and villages in the area. Livingstone, being right on the doorstep of Victoria Falls predominantly ran off hydropower, as much of Zambia did.

Livingstone itself took part in power sharing their resource with Zimbabwe, which meant Livingstone would have a scheduled time frame in the day or night where they would have power, and then they would swap and Zimbabwe would have their set time. During dry season, often they would have very limited hours where they would have power. Day to day life is impacted by this. Hospital and health clinics in the area that cannot afford generators are stuck without power outside these scheduled hours, and electric pumps that provided drinking water are impacted.

Coming home from this really made me appreciate the wealth of opportunity we have in Australia and has impacted the formation of my future plans in moving towards living as sustainably as I can. With solar becoming more accessible, and more affordable it will further support Australia in closing its own poverty gap, assuring super affordable, clean power.

The top of Victoria Falls, Zambia, Africa

To move forward, we will show our Federal Member for Parkes, Mark Coulton, that we need his support in the #LocalPowerPlan so our community and country can continue moving towards a renewable future. The #LocalPowerPlan’s vision will cultivate thousands of locally owned renewable power stations which will create new jobs, opportunities and supply regional Australia with cheap, clean and LOCAL power. I’ve provided links below for more information about the Local Power Plan

Please help us make an impact for our local community and sign the petition today!

Sign the petition here:

More information on the Local Power Plan here:



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